DIY Measurements

Ready to add some Smart Shades? Contact us to learn more about our installation and measurement services and take the first step towards your dream project! 

DIY Measurements

We believe in making your experience as seamless and convenient as possible. That's why we offer a quick and easy way to get a quote for your project with DIY measurement instructions! Taking your own measurements is a simple and convenient way to provide us with the information we need to get you an estimate. Below is a video demonstration of how to collect measurements. 

DIY Measuring Instructions

Inside Mount

Inside Mount Measuring Instructions


**Note that for inside mount valances, a minimum depth of 1 3/5 inches is required. For a full flush installation, ensure a minimum of 2 4/5 inches from the deepest install point of the bracket. Take into account sash window frames when calculating depth.


*Be sure to consider any uneven surfaces or additional tiling, paneling, or moldings that may affect the measurement.


Outside Mount

Outside Trim + Wall Mount Measuring Instructions



Outside Trim Mount

Outside Wall Mount

**Please note that if you choose to submit solely DIY measurements, Smart Shades cannot be held liable for any inaccuracies or discrepancies that may occur during the installation process. However, our team is here to offer guidance and support to help you navigate your project with confidence.